What’s The Investment – Read More

"Contact Free Agency - Lease The Covid-19 - Contactless Business Recovery App - Get It FREE!"

Become A Contact Free Agency Partner

Refer Just 4 Clients & Your Investment For A Contactless or B2B Business Website is FREE!

Just 4 Client’s @ 30% Commission

Why Stop There!

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In a hurry? – Apply for JVZoo Affiliate Approval Here

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Contact Free Agency

1. Distributor

2. Agency Owner

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The Good News

You don’t have to invest in a website to promote your business!

From Just 4 Successful Referral’s

Your Investment

is Totally FREE!

You receive 30% Commission

from every client who buys

Why Stop There?

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Contactless Delivery Website with E-Commerce Cart or B2B Website is Worth at least $5,000

If you can get a return for FREE!

Why not profit more!

Read Below To

See How!

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Our Mission?

Rapidly Assist Covid-19 Business Recovery!

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Get Your Contactless Website FREE For Life and Prosper!

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Contactless Delivery or B2B Website – Overview

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How To Be A Distributor [Affiliate]

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Apply for JVZoo Affiliate Approval Here

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How To Be An Agent [Agency Owner]

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Facts / Questions / Answers

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F.  Agencies are currently available. You can help by assisting in fast Covid-19 business recovery immediately! Contactless Trading is now a global necessity. Our QR Contactless Website’s are the best solution! Start your own Covid-19 – Business Recovery Agency – (Free For 30 5 more Agency Applicants only!). A Commercial White Label License for this will soon be made available to the public for $895 – so be quick!  You’ll build a team of Work From Home Agents who will work for you finding Clients on social media. Use our Landing Pages, websites, video media, banners and resources for fast results. It’s simple, just pass them on to us. We’ll complete their website and pay you $280 NZD for each successful referral, paid the following month.

No experience is necessary for Clients or Agencies to add additional products and/or services, after receiving their website.

Web Design Services can partner with us, to sell our QR Contactless or B2B websites. Use our landing page and banners. Customize our Email swipes. Create your own Agency brand & logo. Simply join our Affiliate Program, through JVZoo and leave the rest to us!

They’ll have access to their own website’s WordPress admin dashboard which comes with its many features. We can set several permission layers of access within the login area, to block them from making any vital changes, we don’t wish to grant them access to, such as important administrative settings. They can email other contributor’s, a link to collaborate with their website project, if they want others to add content. They can login, according to the level of access they’ve been granted. Complete admin access can be granted, right down to just store user. A web designer can be granted full access or even just Product and Catalog access!

Contact Free Agency pays their Agent’s $40 NZD per hour (may differ in USD), for 7 hours, in order to on-board a new Client. You simply invoice Contact Free Agency for $280 NZD, once their website is completed. You’re paid the following calendar month. Once you become an Agent, we’ll show you the break down and what you have to do, in order to be paid. To on-board a Client is not difficult. You need no prior experience. We’ll train you in what to do. You can just focus on the on-boarding.

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F.  Distributor’s [Affiliate’s] are also being sought, for Contact Free Agency. You’ll work from home, chatting with people on social media. You find the Clients – we take care of them for you and build their website.

For an Affiliate, there’s no further contact necessary between you and the Client’s you find, once their purchase is complete. You simply give them your JVZoo affiliate link and they buy through the JVZoo dashboard, who pay you each month for the sales that you make. (Links to become an Affiliate of Contact Free Agency are further down).

Agencies (Agents), of Contact Free Agency can advertise for their own Distributor’s [Affiliate’s], paying them through their own Affiliate Program, that we’ve approved first.

Alternatively, they can contract us to find Work From Home Affiliate’s for them. Agency Owner’s are paid by Contact Free Agency for any Clients they find for us.

Agents can also become Affiliates, receiving the same commission that an affiliate receives. They receive 30% of each payment made by a Client, plus 20% on OTO’s, plus passive residual income of 40% of the Client’s VPS Gold Hosting plan..(more on that further down).

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F.  These are our Contact Free Agency’s Clients for life. Yet, our Distributors (Affiliates), and Agents (Agencies), continue to receive any residual commissions they’ve been receiving from existing Clients, over the Client’s lifetime period with Contact Free Agency. Under contract, you can opt to sell your Agency or Lease it at any time, along with its current Clients, to someone else. If you don’t wish to do that, it’s fine…you can just sit back and reap the continuing commission rewards of a Passive recurring income! You can sign the contract anytime to receive the current goodwill of your Agency’s Clients, if you wish to will the goodwill to someone else, or sell your goodwill!

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F.  Making a great income is easy. Just promote our Contactless Websites online. In return – you’re rewarded incredibly well!

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Q.  How do I promote the Contactless Websites online. Do you have any tools and resources?

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A.  Yes…we have a great range of professional banners, email swipes, a business card, an animated business card (both editable on Canva.com), plus a brochure that you can add to your emails. These can be accessed within the tools and resource area of this website and can be found here. Affiliate’s Tool’s. Included is our ‘promotional video’ for hiring ‘work from home’ Distributor’s [Affiliate’s]. More on that further down. We also contract reliable traffic providers. Conversion is a number’s game. The more traffic you buy, the higher your sales.

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Q.  How and when do we get paid?

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A.  You’re paid monthly by JVZoo.com. You’ll need to start an account, if you don’t already have one. It’s free to join. (See further down). You can ask to be approved using the following link – https://www.jvzoo.com/affiliate/affiliateinfo/index/367019

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Q.  Are there any age restrictions or restrictions to the hours that we can work?

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A.  A guardian is required if you’re under 18. Work anytime you want 24/7 – Smartphones, even library computers are fine! A traffic campaign only takes 3 minutes and only requires your Affiliate Link. No Copy experience or marketing experience whatsoever is required. You’re merely promoting the Landing Page! You can do this by working Part or Full time, safely from home, even in your car or off-the-grid! Both during and also long after Covid-19 lock down. Research proves that Contactless Business is our future!

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F.  This is a fantastic way, for anyone to quit the job they hate. You’ll never have to rely on a 9-5 job ever again! An easy free and legitimate way to make a well above average income online, for as little as 3 minutes a week, to 3 minutes a month. This depends on the life cycle of the campaign you’ve created.

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Q.  Great but…is this a Pyramid or Ponzi scheme?

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A.  No it works like any legitimate Affiliate Program. You’re paid on each client that buys our QR Contactless Website Business or B2B website solutions. They can pay $695 once or with 2 monthly instalments of $347.50 over 2 months. You’ll receive 30% commission for each month the client makes a payment for their website. If the client purchases it outright, you still receive 30% commission, yet instead of receiving it monthly you’ll receive the full commission of the retail price (JVZoo makes all payments to you, the month following the sale). You’ll also receive 25% on OTO’s (One time offers in the sales funnel), and 40% passive recurring residual monthly income from their High Speed VPS Server Gold Hostimg plan.

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F.  You’ll love how fast you can start a full time career. You can get fast results from a Passive Income like this which can grow exponentially!

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Q.  What about when the Covid-19 Pandemic lock down ends?

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A.  Don’t worry, we’ve already been months out of lock down in most Countries right? We don’t just offer QR coded Contactless website solutions, at a greatly reduced cost to the consumer. We also offer vastly less expensive, yet very professional, full E-Commerce B2B solutions. Also, appreciate that this is Passive Recurring Income. So long as you keep introducing a few Clients weekly, you can continue to receive awesome passive income! Contactless Business and Online Retail is our future, according to Business Professionals, such as Forbes!

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How Much Can A Distributor [Affiliate] Earn?

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F.  You Get 30% of each sale. That’s $695 x 30% = $208.50. JVZoo charges 5% of the total amount, split between the Affiliate and Contact Free Agency. So $208.50 – $17.38 = $191.12 which is your gross profit per sale.

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# The figures below are delayed by 1 month, as JVZoo will pay you the month following the sale.

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# Industry average for conversions is about 2.5% for email campaigns. More reward for more effort. Traffic you buy can see much lower returns, yet it’s an easy gig.

# Let’s say you conduct 4 x 2,500 premium traffic impressions, over a month = 10,000 Premium Traffic Impressions. Let’s say this converts at just 0.08%. This means you’ve acquired 8 clients in Mth 1. In Mth 2 Your Monthly Income Payout would be 8 x $191.12 = $955.60. The way to big income in this industry is to return as much profit as possible.

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# Let’s say you re-invest $1,000. This gets you 200,000 Premium Traffic Impressions. Let’s say you convert again at just 0.08%. This means you’ve now acquired 160 new clients in Mth 2. In Mth 3 Your Monthly Income Payout would be 160 x $191.12 = $30,579.20. 

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# With these 30% Commissions, even Part Timers can potentially quit their full time job in just months by using Traffic Campaigns and chatting on Social Media!

# Disclaimer: The above income example may not be typical. You could convert lower. You may even convert higher. Two 19 year old men were invited to the Oval Office by Barak Obama to receive an achievement award, for their contribution to the American economy. What did they do? They made $1 million in a single day with the Clickbank University Affiliate Program!

# Heard of Tim Chen? He founded Nerd Wallet with just $800, after being laid off in the 2008 financial crisis. A blog that’s now worth $500 million! Full story here…



# My point is that some people rise to extraordinary heights whilst others flounder. It’s entirely up to you. You could be the next Tim Chen just waiting to happen, but you must have the right mindset

# Signup for your free 15 minute 101 Higher Self Mindset Lesson. My website is currently ranking with a world leader in Mind Development – Mind Valley and also Oprah Winfrey (not endorsing them). About 6th position out of 95 to 120 million links for the Google Search term “Higher Self Mindset”. It took me 1 month to create this site and three weeks to get it into 1st to 6th position, so I’m well placed to teach you what can be achieved. Click the link below;


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How Much Can An Agency Earn?

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A.  We pay each Agency a flat fee of $280 NZD, on each Client referred to us (providing the sale is completed), that is made by one of your distributor’s (Affiliate’s).

Because JVZoo is only a 1 Tier affiliate program, you must operate your own affiliate program and set your own commissions, as an Agency. Your program must also be approved by Contact Free Agency which pays their Agent’s separately. Each Agency invoices Contact Free Agency directly, for each sale made. This process does not involve JVZoo in any way. It’s a part of the process that we specifically custom built in to our Distribution and Marketing plan. When one of your Distributor’s (Affiliates), sells a website to a Client, you earn $280 NZD. We handle the web design, from start to finish and deliver the fimished product to the Client.

# In adfition to this, your own Agency’s sales can be made by using your own approved Contact Free Agency J.VZoo Affiliate referral link),. Your Agency will receive 30% of each sale made, just like any other Affiliate of the JVZoo Affiliate Program.

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# You can see how much money can be made, by owning your own Agency. It’s in your best interests to keep your Distributor’s (affiliate’s), active and motivated at all times, without being too demanding. After all, they’re all self employed just like you!

Please Note: We pay all Agencies two month’s behind, as Contact Free Agency needs to use some of the profit from each sale as working capital, to cover on-boarding expenses. We may also need to re-calculate, if there’s any attrition. If for any reason, a Client cancels the rest of their Subscription period, an invoice for the remainder is sent to them. They are expected to settle any balance. Contact Free Agency rewards you what is due, only if and after we have collected the settlement due from that particular Client.

# Your Agency still receives commission from its other sales. However, as stated, there is a standard two month delay in paying any outstanding due to any of Contact Free Agency’s Agents, of any monies that we have collected from the aforesaid client. Most of the time you will find this is, at some  point, 100%. We reserve the right to deduct any collection expenses, before we pay our Agent’s what is due. Cost of collection is shared on a percentage basis between Contact Free Agency and its Agency, so that both parties are sharing any potential loss to revenue, in accordance with their profit share.

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A Fantastic Income Is Possible …There Are No Limits!

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Can I Buy A Contactless QR Coded Or B2B Website?

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You’ve reached out at the right time! For those who purchase now, we’re offering our Contactless and B2B Websites for a bargain. We know we could charge more, yet, our heart is firmly in the right place, business recovery. We want everybody to have an effective ‘stand alone’ E-Commerce or B2B Website. So, we’ve kept the investment as low as possible.

We could also have reduced it further, yet we wanted to encourage everyone to participate in ‘paying it forward’ internationally. In this way, those in business recovery and broke students who are struggling can make an honest living, safely from home, both during and after the Pandemic, simply by promoting Contactless Business. After all, you only need 4 referrals and not only are you covering your entire investment, you’re also on the way to making a profit from recurring passive hosting payments! Of course, to buy a Contactless QR or B2B Website is purely optional. You can merely keep the profits of your Agency if you wish. However, why not buy a Contact Free Agency website for yourself? You can learn all you need to know about using the product you’re selling, so you’ll be well versed in the aspects of selling it, or your Affiliate’s selling it, to others! It’s purely optional. Setup your own online Agency today and become a contributor in ‘The Big App Giveaway’!

You can be proud that you’re supporting the Covid-19 Business Recovery effort. We pay a generous 30% commission, to all who promote our Websites. Plus 25% on OTO’s and 40% on High Speed VPS Server Gold Hosting! It’s a win win situation. You’re paying it forward and encouraging other businesses to revive and thrive which of course in turn, helps to revive our economy internationally!

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Invoice CFA For $400 NZD ($247.54 USD) – Reward Your Own Affiliates With A 25% Commission On Every Client They Sell = $280 NZD ($173.28 USD). You Keep $120 NZD ($74.26 USD) = 10.69% Profit. CFA does all the hard work!

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This is something you can’t afford to miss out on. Not only does your Agency provide a passive income to supplement you/your business for life. Our QR Contactless WebStore + Payment Cart or B2B Website, will help you through the dark times, under lock down!. We can market to a mass market in need. However, this takes an incredible amount of resources, staff, time and money.

We decided the best approach was to create as many Agencies as we could. In return we would reward you with a fantastic slice of the pie. You can see the common sense approach and what’s possible by promoting our Websites to your clients, your friends, your family and the global market.

Help us to help your business and the International community, by promoting our Website’s to as many as you can. You’re rewarded well! It’s the best pay it forward approach we can think of during these tough times…a win win situation!

You can see how fast your income accrues! This is something you can’t afford to miss out on. If your Distributor (Affiliate) Database expands to 50 and each sells just one new client per week, you’re earning $6,000 NZD per week or $3,713 USD per week, with nearly zero overheads….wow!!

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Help Us Spread The Word

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Help us spread the word and supplement your business income. We’re all in this together. Let’s spread the word and assist fast Covid-19 Business recovery during and after lockdowns. Click below to join today. It’s free to promote and we have a plethora of great banners, a professional brochure for you to email to your Clients and so far two professional email swipes (html code included), a business card, an animated business card (both editable on Canva.com), plus supporting videos and websites. Also, Premium Traffic Sources, with campaigns as low as $12.50 USD for 2,500 Premium Traffic Impressions, from within the USA and the U.K! We’ll be adding even more resources to the affiliate area, within the coming months! Make Covid-19 Business Recovery even more rapid by spreading the word – Join Free Below

Buy a QR Coded Retail or B2B Full E-Commerce Website: for your own business. Get a Retail QR Contactless stand-alone web store for your business, the new necessary norm. Scroll down further and choose one of the two Buy Buttons below and revive your business the contactless way – you’ll also be ready for the next global pandemic or any kind of future lock down!

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Separate Promotional Links

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Promote.  These are the separate Affiliate products that you can join to promote and earn.

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Promote The Full Website Payment Plan:

Click Here Pays 30% Commission on each website. Plus 25% on OTO’s. Plus 40% on Hosting.

Note: You’ll receive your commission’s the following month, according to the date set aside by JVZoo.com, when JVZoo pays their Affiliates.

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Promote The Split Website Payment Plan:

Click Here – Pays 30% Commission on each website. Plus 25% on OTO’s. Plus 40% on Hosting.

Note: You’ll receive your commission’s the following month, according to the date set aside by JVZoo.com, when JVZoo pays their Affiliates.

Okay…go to it…..do this…do it well…quit your job and help us recover the economy globally! You’ll be so glad you did…your family and all your friends will want a slice of the action! Become a Distributor (Affiliate), or an Agent today and fulfill your dreams or invest in the QR Contactless Business solution yourself

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Affiliate Earnings Disclaimer

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Affiliate income earnings; vary from individual to individual. No typical income, either part or full time, is promised in your participation within the JVZoo.com affiliate program! What you earn is solely dependent upon the effort you put in, in order to promote our Websites. You could make a good part time income and cover your investment in the Website. Or, you could make a very good 6 figure income. It’s up to you. Help us to help business recover from lock down around the globe and make a greattes passive part or full time income!

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Disclaimer: We do not represent JVZoo.com within our advertisements, website’s, nor income examples, nor in any other way. All JVZoo.com Logos and Digital Materials are owned by JVZoo.com and are subject to copyright. Our involvement within the JVZoo.com program is limited to utilizing their Affiliate platform, along with JVZoo’s rules, regulations, affiliate buttons and promotional materials, in order to reward our affiliates for the sale’s they make of our Contactless QR Websites.

Once the purchase buttons are live, our Website’s are available for purchase, it’s deemed approved for sale, by JVZoo.com’s compliance team. Contact Free Agency operates in conjunction with FTC law.

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Your QR Website Investment

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Contact Free Agency is a participant in the JVZoo.com Affiliate Program – 30% of your investment in one of our Websites is paid to the Affiliate that promoted this page. We do this, to encourage free enterprise and to ensure that we have a wider audience to invest in our Contactless Delivery Business Solution.

A QR barcode thumbnail image can be placed within your store’s menu (optional). Any customer can scan this with their smartphone. This takes them to our pre-sales page. It incorporates your own personal JVZoo.com affiliate link. It only takes 4 referrals from your Website’s customers, before your entire Website investment is covered and you’re in a profitable situation.

Alternatively, you only need 1 – 4 sales a day for a couple of months, from your website, depending on what you’re selling, or the service that you’re promoting, before you cover your Website investment.

By becoming an Affiliate yourself to the JVZoo.com opportunity, you earn 30% of each sale made from this linked image within your Website’s menu, from the point of your customer’s investment in our Contactless QR Retail or B2B Websites and it soon adds up!

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Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

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Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment

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Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

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Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments

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The Contactless Solution

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No Thanks – I Don’t Want To Take Advantage Of This Awesome Opportunity

To Lose The Competitive Advantage and I Realize When I Return The Price Is Likely To Be More!

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"Contact Free Agency - Covid-19 - Contactless Business"
Supplement Your Income – Revive Your Business – Assist Others To Stay Safe!

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