3. Deliver Contactless > Read More

"Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"

Orders can be delivered Contact Free to the customers doorstep, using QR Code Scanning.

Many service based businesses and any nearly any B2B Business can still function! Since lock-down, business has changed forever. With a ‘Contactless Stand Alone Store’ or B2B QR sharing website, your business doesn’t have to be the next massive down-turn, insolvency or even bankruptcy!

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"Contact Free Agency - Covid-19 - Contactless Business"

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Watch the video for a complete overview of how easy it is to conduct business with your own Contactless QR Web Store. Read More About Our Demo Store – Below Video…

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  • Easy Implementation

  • Recover Lost Business

  • Effective Yet Affordable

  • Insure Your Financial Future

  • Retain Happy Satisfied Clients

  • Keep Up With The Major Corporations

  • Serve Your Customers More Effectively


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Your Responsive E-Commerce Retail Website or B2B Solution Contactless QR (Optional)

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Watch The Demo Video Here …or… Access It On The Product Landing Page – Link Below…

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Review What You Get With Your Contactless QR Barcode Delivery Retail Website or B2B Website

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Demo Store Link Below

[/su_column][/su_row] Take possession of your own Contactless QR Web Store or Contactless Retail or B2B Website for just 1 easy payment of just $695.00 or two easy monthly instalments of $347.50 .This Includes the Full setup of your Contactless Retail Store or B2B Website ready to go; [su_spacer size=”20″]
  • WordPress Setup
  • Plugins – Plus Configured
  • Firewall Security Installed
  • Contactless Store CMS
  • Payment Cart / Checkout
  • 3 x Pages – Your Theme
  • Additional Pages (Optional)
  • Your Domain Name
  • Premium Theme To $100
  • 1 year complimentary listing in our Contactless Directory
  • For websites that are displaying QR codes)
To take your business products and/or service’s profits to new heights! Take advantage of the Contactless Barcode Software and the many options of the easy shopping cart you’re investing in. Plus your store will be marketed for 12 months entirely free, within our global Contactless Directory to a hungry audience of millions of potential Contactless shoppers, giving your Store the competitive edge! [su_spacer size=”30″]

Demo Contactless Webstore

All websites come with first 3 pages Ready To Go!

[su_spacer size=”20″] "Contact Free Agency - Contactless delivery Lock down solution"[su_spacer size=”20″]

Contactless QR Pizza Store Demo – Generation II

Try out the QR Cart process

Scan a product above

Some generic functions on the demo site are disabled for show only

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Want to add products and services yourself? To do this is easy.

Simply log into your Admin’s Dashboard. You’ll see any products and/or services that have been added, listed within the CMS (Content Management System).

Simply add your own Categories, replace / delete Categories you don’t want. Add your own products, services, descriptions, prices to the Cart Inventory. Add any shipping options you want. A medium sized inventory can be done in just a few days! We can do this for you at affordable rates. However, we’ve also made this optional for you, in order to make your website more affordable to you than our competitors do. To purchase a Professional E-Commerce website online elsewhere, usually starts at around $5,000.

We offer an images, descriptions and inventory setup service. You can invest in an upgrade package, if you want us to take care of this for you (See below for pricings).

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Why You Need A Stand Alone Website For Contactless B2B Business & Retail Orders!

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Already have contactless ordering for your business?

That’s great. However, in our research, we found the time it takes to find and order a specific food item or service, from a conventional website takes far too long. We found this to be the case with almost all websites.

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Clients don’t wish to search for

food items, beverages, clothing or services amidst countless pages of information. Further, we found most ordering to be far too complex. With one of our stand alone stores, the client simply selects an item or service from a compelling image. They can select a Category or Product in the conventional way, with a mouse or Scan a QR Barcode with their PC or Smartphone. They’re then taken to the Product’s Stand Alone Description page. Adding a product to the Cart keeps the Customer on the same page, in case they wish to bookmark it.

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Contactless Cart Demo – Generation II

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View Demo Site

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Our Mission – To Help Businesses & Individuals To Thrive Before / During & After A Lock Down + To Go Contactless!

[su_spacer size=”20″]Contact Free Agency is on a mission to assist businesses that are struggling and also to help individuals and families. That’s why we’ve kept our price to a minimum. That’s also why we’re a participant in the JVZoo.com Affiliate Program. In fact 30% of your website investment is paid to the Affiliate that promoted this page. We do this, to encourage free enterprise and to ensure that we have a wider target audience to invest in a Contact Free Website. We want everyone to recover from lock down and to be prepared for the next lockdown. We also wish to give people the opportunity to work from home in a safe environment and recover some of the wages they’ve lost due to lock down and it’s not going to be the last! That’s why we’re happy to relinquish nearly all of our profits, when an Affiliate makes a sale. It’s our way of helping out and giving back to the planet. We’re continually upgrading and improving our Client’s Contact Free Agency Websites. We’re in this for the long haul, long after any lock downs end. Research proves that Contactless Business is now dominating and will continue as a Global Retail future trend. Your Customers Can Support The Cause – Use the QR Code Creator within your dashboard to create a QR image which can be placed within your store’s menu (optional). The customer can scan this with their smartphone. This takes them to the landing page. It incorporates your personal JVZoo.com affiliate link. Just four referrals from your Contactless store’s customers and you’ve recovered more than 100% of your entire website nvestment. Alternatively, you only need 1 – 5 sales a day from your website for a month or two, depending on what you’re selling, before you quickly recover your investment. By becoming an Affiliate yourself to the JVZoo.com opportunity, you’ll earn 30% of each sale made from this linked image within your shopping store’s menu. You can also add it to any page. You can join our Affiliate Program at the bottom of this page. [su_spacer size=”20″]

Contactless Online Business

is hotter than ever. You need to operate an effective online webstore, in addition to your existing website Those who don’t are missing out on sales to those who are, especially during any lock down period, short or long term. Contactless business will remain the norm, long after lock down!

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A Great Investment!

Contactless Solution QR Store and Payment Platform

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Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

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Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment
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Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

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Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments
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Demo Store

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View Demo Site

[su_spacer size=”30″] Contactless Online business is hotter than ever. You need to operate an effective online webstore, in addition to your existing website. Those who don’t are missing out on sales to those who are, especially during any lock down period, short or long term. Contactless business will remain the norm, long after lock down! [su_spacer size=”30″]

Add Descriptions, Images and Prices Effortlessly!

Why fork out thousands for an expensive website that’s not Contactless, or not fully supportive of Contactless Business? Take advantage of our up to date Contactless Website, created in WordPress, with full payment cart and checkout. After you login to your dashboard, you can easily add descriptions, images and prices with the click of a mouse. Or, simply have us add any new products for just $25.00 per product or service placement. Have us update any existing inventory, such as prices, descriptions etc for just $14.95 for any partial product/service update. [su_spacer size=”30″]

A Great Investment!

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Contactless QR Retail Webstore or B2B Website With Payment Platform

[su_spacer size=”15″]

Just 1 Easy Payment Of $695!

[su_spacer size=”25″]
Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform - Full Payment
[su_spacer size=”25″]

Or 2 x Easy Payments Of $347.50!

[su_spacer size=”25″]
Contactless E-Commerce - QR Coded Website + Full E-Commerce Payment Platform – 2 x Payments
[su_spacer size=”25″] [su_spacer size=”25″]

No Thanks – I Don’t Want To Take Advantage Of This Awesome Opportunity

To Lose The Competitive Advantage and I Realize When I Return The Price Is Likely To Be More!

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Recover Your Investment Below

Affiliate Earnings Disclaimer

[su_spacer size=”15″] Affiliate income earnings; vary from individual to individual. No typical income, either part or full time, is promised in your participation within the JVZoo.com affiliate program! What you earn is solely dependent upon the effort you put in, in order to promote our App. You could make a good part time income and cover your investment in the App. Or, you could make a very good 6 figure income. It’s up to you. Help us to help business recover from lock down around the globe and make a great passive part or full time income! [su_spacer size=”5″] Recover more than 100% of your investment with just 4 Referral’s – [Purchase is not necessary for an Affiliate to promote our products and services] Join our Affiliate Program![su_spacer size=”10″] To Promote The Full Payment Option Click Here [su_spacer size=”15″]To Promote The 2 Monthly Payment’s Option Click Here [su_spacer size=”25″]

Disclaimer: We do not represent JVZoo.com within our advertisements, website’s, nor income examples, nor in any other way. All JVZoo.com Logos and Digital Materials are owned by JVZoo.com and are subject to copyright. Our involvement within the JVZoo.com program is limited to utilizing their Affiliate platform, along with JVZoo’s rules, regulations, affiliate buttons and promotional materials, in order to reward our affiliates for the sale’s they make of our Contactless App.

The purchase button above is live. Therefore our Contactless Website Solution is available for purchase, it’s deemed approved for sale, by JVZoo.com’s compliance team. Contact Free Agency operates in conjunction with FTC law.

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"Contact Free Agency - Covid-19 - Contactless Business"
Supplement Your Income – Revive Your Business – Assist Others To Stay Safe!